Lehigh University Rally

Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.

The Rally is a long-standing tradition at Lehigh University. Every year since 1945, the incoming class is adopted by the class that was introduced to Lehigh 50 years prior.

Students in the Marching 97 walking with their instruments and smiling

Welcome the newest members of our Lehigh family!

Celebrate Lehigh through spirited events like student performances, the alumni class adoption, and the colorful parade of classes, where alumni representatives wield their class flags and first-year students reveal the flag for their class.

Please note: This year’s Rally will be on Saturday, August 24, at 8:00 p.m., in The Grove (North side of the Alumni Memorial Building). It will be held, rain or shine, so please dress accordingly.

For questions, please contact Amy Frantz Gross, alumni relations, at (610) 758-3686, or the Office of University Events at (610) 758-2746.

Alumni waving their class flags at Rally

Get involved with The Rally!

Represent Your Class. We need at least one flag bearer from every class! Email Amy Frantz Gross if you’d like to join the festivities.

Caitlyn Kratzer waves the Class of 2026 flag on the stage of The Rally.

In This Image: Class representative Bruce "YoGi" Perry '76 presented the 2026 class flag to Caitlyn Kratzer '26.

A large crowd of Lehigh students sit on the University Center lawn

In This Image: A large crowd of Lehigh students gathered for The Rally on the Clayton University Center Lawn.

Karen presenting Ethan with Class of 2025 flag

In This Image: Karen Stuckey ’75 presented Ethan Riester ’25 with Class of 2025 flag, the first time an alumna did the honors.

President Joseph Helble on stage at The Rally

In This Image: President Joseph Helble ‘82 welcomes the Classes of 2024 and 2025 to campus at his first Rally since becoming President

Group at volunteer dinner prior to the Rally

In This Image: Class Representatives Karen Stuckey ‘75, her husband Henry Seduski, and Gus Gustafson ‘74 gather with President Joe Helble ‘82 and his wife Rebecca Dabora at the volunteer dinner prior to the Rally.

A group of six volunteer flag bearers pose for a photo in front of Linderman Library during The Rally.

In This Image: A group of volunteer flag bearers pose for the camera prior to The Rally.