Philanthropy is about more than just the immediate impact of a donation — it creates ripples of transformation for the lives and communities it touches. Asa Packer knew its value and how it might shape the future.

At a time when America was undergoing a rapid transformation, Packer, a self-made millionaire, railroad industry titan, and visionary, dreamed of a future where education would become the cornerstone of opportunity. A man who had risen from humble beginnings to build an empire in commerce, Packer understood that the true strength of a nation lay not in its wealth, but in the minds of its people.

It was the mid-19th century, and America needed engineers, scientists, and thinkers who could guide its growth into an industrial power. Packer, deeply committed to the betterment of his community and the future of the country, decided to make an extraordinary contribution—a gift that would continue to shape generations long after his time.

In 1865, Packer endowed $500,000 — a monumental sum in those days — to found Lehigh University. This gift wasn’t just about creating another academic institution, but rather about building a place that would blend theoretical knowledge with practical application, where students could learn to solve the pressing problems of the age.

Asa Packer’s philanthropy to Lehigh was more than a donation — it was an investment in the future. To this day, it continues to pay dividends in knowledge, innovation, and leadership.

Lehigh opened its doors with a mission to educate young men in the fields of science and engineering, ensuring that they would not only excel in theory but also be equipped to lead in the burgeoning industries of coal, iron, and railroads. Packer envisioned that Lehigh would serve as a bridge between education and the demands of the real world, a place where knowledge met practice.

Over the years, Packer’s vision expanded, evolving with the changing needs of society. The university grew in both size and scope, eventually offering programs in the arts, business, and humanities alongside its renowned engineering and science departments. Yet, the spirit of Packer’s original vision remained intact: the commitment to excellence, innovation, and service.

Generations of men and women have called Lehigh their alma mater, inspired by the same mission that had driven Packer. From the laboratory to the boardroom, from the drafting table to the international stage, Lehigh graduates carried the lessons they learned with them, often changing the course of industries and shaping the future. They became inventors, business leaders, educators, and public servants. Each carried with them a piece of Asa Packer’s dream — a belief that education was a tool for shaping not only their lives but the world around them.

In the present day, Lehigh University stands as a testament to Packer’s philanthropy and its enduring legacy. Lehigh’s three campuses, created on the very land that once powered Packer’s railroads, are now home to cutting-edge research in areas such as nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and environmental sustainability. Students from all over the world come to Lehigh, drawn by the university’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding. Clayton University Center at Packer Hall, that iconic building originally named in Asa Packer’s honor, stands watch over the campus like a sentinel of the past, reminding all who enter of the visionary who made it possible.

But beyond the buildings, academic programs, and accolades, the true legacy of Asa Packer’s gift lies in the lives he touched. The ripple effect of his generosity has spread far and wide, affecting not only those who attended Lehigh but also the countless individuals and communities those graduates have gone on to influence.

Asa Packer’s philanthropy to Lehigh was more than a donation — it was an investment in the future. To this day, it continues to pay dividends in knowledge, innovation, and leadership. His foresight and belief in the transformative power of education have left a legacy that will last for centuries, a beacon that continues to light the path for all who seek to learn, grow, and make a difference in the world.

Asa Packer and The Lehigh Fund

Your gift to the Lehigh Fund supports Asa Packer’s legacy and the university’s highest priorities — financial aid and scholarship. Learn how your support can be used immediately to impact Lehigh students right now.

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