
Carol Obando-Derstine ’23G & Samantha Smith ’18 ’19G hosted an alumnae dinner for the Lehigh Valley region.

Alumnae from across the United States volunteered to host dinners in their cities in honor of the Soaring Together Celebration in fall 2023 and spring 2024 commemorating 50 years of coeducation at Lehigh.

“I appreciate being trusted to represent female Lehigh graduates as a whole in this capacity,” says Cara O’Brien ’92, who co-hosted a dinner at Bacall’s in New York City in September with Dana Bober ’92.

“The education I received at Lehigh provided a wonderful foundation for all that came next for me personally and in my career. To be able to let other female alumni (particularly the recent graduates) know that and help the school consolidate important feedback and ideas from Lehigh women of all ages was a privilege. And it was an easy and fun way to give even just a small amount back.”

Bella Esposito ’07, who hosted an April 4 dinner in New Jersey, says, “My experience hosting the dinner was really fun and rewarding. Planning it with Morgan [Nelson ’19G] was a breeze.”

As we head into the next season of Dinners for 12, we look back at the previous year and see how the hosts and attendees were motivated to engage and impacted by the connections they made.

If you are interested in connecting with your alumni community in meaningful ways, Morgan Nelson ’19G, senior director of alumnae engagement and program manager for the Soaring Together program, is eager to help.

Hosts: Dana Bober ’92 & Cara O’Brien ’92

Sept 19, 2023 — New York City, New York

“There was a good mix of people that graduated just before or around [1992] and young women almost fresh out of school,” says Dana Bober ’92. “This allowed us to compare notes on things from 30 years ago at Lehigh versus today. The young group was very confident and well spoken and interested in being involved post graduation.”

“We had a diverse group of majors and careers at the table which made the discussion fun and interesting,” recalls Bober. “I think the main takeaway was that Lehigh benefits greatly as an institution from the diversity in education and vocational paths, and that we can all benefit from leaning into our Lehigh network.”

They discussed how this could be better leveraged for the university experience to get people working together across areas in a way that would enhance learning and mimic real-life work later on. The group also found agreement on its desire to see the Mountaintop Campus fully utilized for future generations of students.

Co-host Cara O’Brien ’92 recognized the value of hosting a dinner with other Lehigh alumnae in the New York City area who are living similar day-to-day experiences. “This allowed for an easy and quick comfort level for the group yet simultaneously there was a healthy amount of diversity in age and opinions that enabled a robust conversation about many Lehigh and real-world topics.”

O’Brien added, “I looked forward to discussing how our time at Lehigh has helped shape our respective opportunities and choices. The dinner definitely allowed for that dialogue and it was an engaging and inspirational evening.”

Host: Sherrie Moore ’01 ’03G

October 5, 2023 — Tampa, Florida

Sherrie Moore ’01 ’03G leaped at the chance to host in Tampa. “I appreciated the opportunity because it allowed our women alumni to interact with new faces. We have our regular group of alumni that attend most events. So when we have new alumni join us, it is always a special treat!”
Moore focused her energy on providing attendees with an opportunity to be heard, receiving their feedback, and answering questions about how to engage with other alumni as she has. For some other questions, such as how to start a local BALANCE chapter in Florida, she made sure to pass them along to someone who could answer them. 
“I never would have made it this far in my career had it not been for graduating from Lehigh,” Moore beams. “I love the opportunity to share this achievement with other alumni and spread our camaraderie with the world.”

Host: Olivia White ’21

October 24, 2023 — Los Angeles, California

Six women sit at a round table with plates of food in a dimly lit restaurant.

As a young alumna, Olivia White ’21 was impressed with how easy and rewarding it was to host an event for alumnae. “Hosting this dinner was exciting and rewarding! I felt like everything ran smoothly, from the early stages of reaching out via the YAC Instagram, to choosing a restaurant I knew would host us gracefully, to receiving RSVPs from women I was so excited to get to know, to an incredible conversation and many laughs at dinner.”
She was motivated to give it a whirl because she recognized the gap in Lehigh connections in Southern California. “I wanted to bring together the women of Lehigh who had chosen to pursue a career here and discuss with them the many benefits of having a Lehigh education in a workplace as eclectic as Southern California, especially Los Angeles. And these goals were met — I left the dinner with five new friends!”

“It's imperative that our Lehigh stories do not end when we cross the stage at graduation, no matter how far we travel post-grad,” White continues. “I've utilized so many skills that I learned at Lehigh, and it is so important to stay involved.”

Hosts: Carol Obando-Derstine ’23G & Samantha Smith ’18 ’19G

October 24, 2023 — Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania

Dinners for 12 allow attendees to enjoy a more intimate setting and meaningful conversation. At the Lehigh Valley event, Carol Obando-Derstine ’23G recognized that value, especially for those who might not normally engage in large groups. “The takeaway was that for some people who might be more shy, smaller settings are a perfect way to engage them. Limiting the attendees list to a dozen created a cozy atmosphere, which I thought was ideal.”

Obando-Derstine’s dinner paired alumnae engagement with the Lehigh Alumni Sustainability Alliance. “I was eager to connect with like-minded alumnae who share an interest in energy and sustainability.  There just aren’t that many of us in the Lehigh Valley, so I thought it was a good way to expand my network.”

She was inspired by the Soaring Together conferences, which allowed her to connect with alumnae from the pioneering co-ed classes. “Their stories of resilience in the face of challenges have left an indelible mark on me. Witnessing their determination and perseverance has been truly inspirational. As a fellow woman graduate of Lehigh, I feel a profound sense of responsibility to continue their legacy. I am committed to encouraging talented women to consider Lehigh for their higher education pursuits and to support current students in reaching their full potential.”

Obando-Derstine co-hosted the event with Samantha Smith ’18 ’19G. “It was really nice to connect with alumni in a more laid-back atmosphere with no true formal ‘agenda’. We could go with the flow of topics that were important to the attendees, from careers to families and current events. I think this allowed for deeper connections to form and long-lasting networks.”

Approached by Development and Alumni Relations, Smith thought it was a great opportunity to share with more alumni about how to participate in the Lehigh Alumni Sustainability Alliance. “And on a more personal level, a great opportunity for me to meet new, local alumni in the area that had common interests with me, lift voices, and share a great evening.”

Host: Rebecca Sendel ’86

November 16, 2023 — Denver, Colorado

Six women sit at a long table during the day, posing for the photo with full plates of food.

“Hosting the dinner was truly uplifting and energizing,” says Rebecca Sendel ’86. “Lehigh women connect with each other so easily, and everyone falls into instant conversation and comfortable camaraderie.”

“This dinner combines two of my passions: supporting Lehigh and supporting women,” she continues. “[Morgan Nelson] made this so easy that it was something I could not imagine not doing. Also, with being in Colorado, it is always great to keep the network of Lehigh folks strong, and that takes some effort that I am happy to do, especially at intimate events like this.”

Sendel’s career experiences contributed to her desire to support others from Lehigh. “Having worked as a woman in tech for my whole career, I am very attuned to how important it is for women to support each other and learn from each other as we navigate balancing all the things that are important to us.”

She recognizes Soaring Together as an opportunity to give Lehigh a collective voice. “This voice positions Lehigh very well with women and gives Lehigh a good reputation with companies who are striving to support the needs of women as well, and I am proud to be a small part of that.”

Host: Nancy Liu ’83 '14P '17P

September 26, 2023 — Yardley, Pennsylvania

A long table of women pose for a photo with two at the far end holding up a Lehigh flag.

Inspired to bring more alumni engagement opportunities to those living outside the city limit, Nancy Liu ’83 '14P '17P volunteered to host an event in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. “Many events are in Philadelphia, which is a 45-minute ride. Most attendees lived within 10 minutes of the restaurant.”

“I had a wonderful experience hosting this dinner,” she continues, noting that she hopes the attendees will continue to look for and attend events.

“The opportunity to represent Lehigh allows me to keep connected with Lehigh and also to create new connections and relationships with alumni. I especially enjoy meeting alumni that have never attended an event and become engaged by attending other events and even volunteering.”

Women of Lehigh Scholarship Fund

A gift of any amount to the Women of Lehigh Scholarship Fund leverages collective impact to support scholarships and financial aid immediately so that more women can attend and succeed at Lehigh. 

Host: Celeste Varricchio ’73

October 5, 2023 — Essex County, New Jersey

Salads sit in front of 5 women posing for a photo while sitting at a table.

Hosting an event coordinated by Development and Alumni Relations is a “no-brainer” according to Celeste Varricchio ’73. She says she enjoyed attending a previous event so much that she wanted to help grow the fun. “I was very honored to represent Lehigh as host.”

Varricchio credits Morgan Nelson with making it a low-stress experience. “I arrived early, chatted with our server, set out the swag, and waited for guests to arrive.”

She also recognized the excitement was contagious. “Interestingly, our server was very interested in our conversation, and several times she made a few comments. That clearly showed that Soaring Together is a very unique initiative. All of the women expressed that they were happy to have signed up for the dinner, and each one said she wanted to become a more involved alumna.”

As one of the 12 women graduates from the first class of 1973, Varricchio feels a strong connection to the Soaring Together initiative. “Lehigh set me on the path that has taken me through life. Lehigh has honored me this past year (my 50th anniversary), and I am honored to return the courtesy. Hosting our dinner also sent a message to the attendees that, yes, it is very easy to stay connected to Lehigh, and the alumni office really looks after those of us who wish to stay involved.”

Hosts: Sarah Markham ’06 ’07 & Michele Kimpton ’84

October 26, 2023 — Boston, Massachusetts

Six women sit at a table in a dimly lit restaurant while posing for a selfie.

Sarah Markham ’06 ’07, who co-hosted at Committee in Seaport with Michele Kimpton ’84, says, “I really enjoyed hosting the dinner and the chance to gather a number of Lehigh women together.” She expressed her nostalgia for the women’s alliance meetings held prior to the pandemic and was inspired to help kickstart more regional events. “I was hoping we would attract younger women or women who hadn't joined in events previously.”

“I value making connections with women who have faced similar challenges in the workplace and creating a network for younger women who have yet to face these challenges and glass ceilings.”

Markham says her interest in the Soaring Together initiative comes from her desire to create opportunities for women to connect. “I wanted to give other women a space to network and be seen if they were not finding this opportunity in other places. I hope to see more events in the area soon or more virtual lectures during after-work hours!”

Host: Bella Esposito ’07

April 4, 2024 — Asbury, New Jersey

Six women stand side-by-side, arm-in-arm while smiling for a photo.

Bella Esposito ’07 enjoyed the experience of hosting, working with Development and Alumni Relations, and promoting the event. “My biggest takeaway, which is something I already knew from attending previous Lehigh alumni events, is that when alumni get together — regardless of the activity or reason why — it is interesting, fulfilling, fun, wonderful to reminisce, and motivates us to want to give back more.”

Why did she choose to host? Esposito says, “This is one of the many ways I give back to Lehigh. Lehigh has provided me with an invaluable and immeasurable experience during my four years and the 17 years since I graduated. Hosting this dinner, meeting with alumni I don’t know, and making new connections is incredibly fulfilling to me. It allows me in my own way to reestablish that connection to Lehigh.”

By making these connections, she recognizes commonalities among her fellow alumni. “We may have graduated during different decades and years, but what connects us all is our shared experience during our time at Lehigh. I have yet to meet an alumnus who had a bad experience.”

Esposito notes the inspiring women of different generations she has met at the Soaring Together events and the lasting connections she’s made.

“At the Soaring Together Women’s Summit in 2022, I met a fellow alumnus from 2007 who, like me, is a small business owner of a kitchen design franchise. She attended my Soaring Together Dinner for 12, and we are now planning new and interesting ways to work together in our businesses for our clients. A chance meeting now fostered a connection to help grow two small businesses and help so many people in the process.”

Hosts: Kerry Mallett ’15  & Nishika Vidanage-Lulejian ’07 ’09G 

March 21, 2024 — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

A group of women sit at a long table in a restaurant posing for a photo while 2 at the end squat to join the picture.

Hosting her second dinner, Nishika Vidanage-Lulejian ’07 ’08G found it easier after getting the jitters out the first time. “I was very nervous at the first dinner at Tequilas. The conversation flowed so freely and everyone seemed to connect organically.”

What inspired her to begin hosting as a representative of the alumni community? “I hosted because I knew in my gut that there was an untapped group of alumni living on the Mainline. I figured that a Dinner for 12 would be an easy way to gauge interest without hosting a larger event and hoping that people would show up. My hunch was correct as the event sold out in minutes.”

Vidanage co-hosted the event with Kerry Mallett ’15, her first experience taking a lead role for such a dinner.

“I find that the Dinners for 12 are an amazing environment to genuinely connect with alums of other class years, disciplines, and professional paths,” says Mallett. “There is a natural inclination that attendees have to go past surface-level conversations and authentically get to know one another, share the challenges we face personally and professionally, and find camaraderie and shared experiences.”

Some hosts are driven to help others connect, and alumni dinners are a great avenue for it. “I recharge by being surrounded by people, and I love to make connections or connect others,” says Vidanage. “As you get older, it’s more challenging to meet new people and make friends. If I can make a difference in this somehow, and someone can expand their circle and be part of a community, I’ll do anything to make that happen.”

For Mallett, her experience on campus drove her to support Soaring Together. “I found significant development experiences in women-intended or dominated spaces, whether it was my sorority or The Brown and White editorial board, which was heavily women led during my time at Lehigh. I support the Soaring Together initiative both to ensure that current Lehigh women undergraduates can have a developmental experience and for the personal and professional growth I have found in the Lehigh alumnae community.”

Host: Maggie Quinn Walker ’90

April 11, 2024 — Portland, Maine

Posing for a photo, two women sit on a bench on one side of a table while 4 sit in chairs on the other.

You never know what you will discover when you attend an alumni event. Maggie Quinn Walker ’90 was excited not only to see so many people continue to nurture those new connections beyond the dinner, but she was amazed to learn that two fellow alumna field hockey players lived only 30 minutes from her!

“The dinner was a smashing success,” says Walker. “I think we all really enjoyed creating the local connections to other alumni. We have created a group contact list and already had some additional meet ups and ongoing communication.”

Lehigh’s consistent support of the alumnae community is what inspires Walker to help with programs like Soaring Together. “I’m grateful to Lehigh for the outstanding educational and athletic experience I received and for the ongoing commitment to female leadership. I appreciated representing Soaring Together in celebration of our 50-year anniversary of co-education. I also valued getting to meet other alumni in the Portland, Maine, area since Lehigh graduates are not as prevalent here as in other parts of the country.”

Host: Haley Maruschak ’15

May 30, 2024 — Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

A table of women smile and pose for a photo with a sign on the window of the restaurant in the back reads "Mr. Lees'"

“Thanks to Morgan's assistance getting across the finish line of logistics, the experience of setting up the dinner was easy,” recalls Haley Maruschak ’15, who hosted at Mister Lee's Noodles in Bethlehem, close to Lehigh’s home base. Maruschak credits the venue for its part in pulling off a smooth, engaging event. “Having a venue that is accommodating and well managed helped make the night incredibly smooth as the conversation kept flowing and was uninterrupted.”

The group appreciated the opportunity to reconnect in this intimate way with fellow alumnae. “No matter the age/class year, all attendees echoed the same sentiment that they loved having something to look forward to socially due to demands from work, family, and dispersed friend groups. We talked at length about the difficulty of meeting new people as working adults in a post-COVID world and the difficulty of building new friendships/connections.” 

“We also commented on the assumed difficulty current students must be experiencing and how vital it is to build your college friends group and hold on to those connections,” Maruschak adds.

Equipped with memories of her involvement in activities as a student at Lehigh and the value she’s found in women-centered events in her professional life, Maruschak was motivated to step up as an alumnae host. “The more that I access work or community women's events, there is a safety net to engage in difficult conversations and be open and honest.”