
Jigar Patel ’17

Opportunities for Leadership
Supervising Senior Consultant in Finance Transformation at Sia Partners
B.S. Business and Economics - BIS, Accounting
Affinity or Alliance: Lehigh Asian Alumni Network (LAAN)

How did your Lehigh experience inform, help or influence your life now?
Lehigh provided many opportunities to be a leader and a team player. Lehigh's collaborative – rather than competitive – environment has been impactful as I bring that mindset into my current role where success is the result of all of us working together for a common goal or purpose and setting everyone up for success.

What has been the most challenging thing you’ve faced since graduating?
This is a continuing challenge for me – what comes next. I'm always reflecting on how I want to grow, what new challenges I want to pursue and where I see myself in 5, 10, 20 years. My priorities and interests continue to shift and change as I experience new things. I'm not ready to pick and zone-in on one thing and I may never be ready for that.

What excites you right now?
Oddly enough, trying to learn and experience new things and getting to face new challenges that are outside of my comfort zone as it helps me grow both personally and professionally. I have the opportunity to continue to do this in this stage of my life which really helps me expand my horizons.

What advice would you give current Lehigh students?
Take advantage of Lehigh – the resources, the opportunities, the network (students, faculty, staff and alumni)! There is so much that Lehigh offers to help you pursue your passions and try new things. From the Baker Institute to the Career Center to the Study Abroad Program and everything in between, there are unlimited opportunities for you!

What keeps you connected to Lehigh?
It really is what Lehigh has provided me while a student and since graduating – opportunities, a network, and friends! They all really have helped me more than I have expected in a short period of time and I want to make sure I'm part of the continuance by being that support for the next group of students.