In a recent social media challenge, we asked our alumni to 'Tell me you went to Lehigh without telling me you went to Lehigh.’ The results were both nostalgic and hilarious!

We've sorted the best responses into categories: Distinctly Lehigh Skill Sets, Badge of Honor, A Beloved Rivalry, Lingo and Landmarks, and The Color of Love.
Distinctly Lehigh Skill Sets
- Meredith Freeman Fernandez ’83: “Ability to drive a bed.”
- Rita Clark ’87: “Out of breath in August and in tip-top shape by May.”
- Robert Davenport ’68: “Destroying cheap door locks after years of opening heavy oak doors.”
- Brian Dakin ’89: “You know exactly where [Linderman Library Rotunda] is …”

Badge of Honor
- Andy Ladick ’84: “Cast iron butt from sitting in the old stadium’s concrete bleachers!”
- Caroline Power Gangl ’85: “I was the only non-Lafayette person in the Easton Hospital ER for an injury that occurred when jumping the fence at the end of a football game to be able to say I tried to get a piece of wood.”
- Ken Anderson '82: “Helping obtain the longest piece of goalpost in history, which was eventually taken from our old house by the university and displayed in the University Center for many years.”
- Gary Wilson ’72: “Rounded up shoe sole tips.”

A Beloved Rivalry
- Kate McMinn ’04: “Booing anything and anyone Lafayette.”
- Beth Brinkman ’88: “I graduated more than 30 years ago. To this day, if I meet people from Lafayette, I stiffen up a bit and look at them askance.”
- Bob Forrest ’78: “An extreme dislike for the color maroon, big spotted cats, and French nobles who assisted with the American Revolution.”

Lingo and Landmarks
- Eleanor O'Bryan Runkle ’87: The Goose… & the ’Ho!!
- Renee Goldman Schwartz ’88: “Knowing that ‘The Goose’ is not an actual goose but the best place to get a hoagie in Bethlehem.”
- Teri Challender McNab ’89: “We named our sailboat Tally Ho.”
- Sharon Kanovsky Richter ’86: “Snake Pit.”
- Bobby Bender ’85: “Greekers, pierogies, and red cream soda are a gourmet meal.”
- Mark T. Florio ’94: “People look at you funny when you mention Gryphons instead of RAs.”

The Color of Love
- Marilyn Blacher-Reich ’75: “I probably have more brown and white outfits than the average American adult woman.”
- Lauren Mastbaum ’08: “I was going to say incorporating brown into everything. Even if you didn't go to college in the '70s, it'll look like you did.”
- Ginger Fitzer Fuentes ’96: “I’m thinking anyone who uses the brown heart emoji 🤎🤍🤎🤍”
- John McCawley ’84: “Defending brown and white as legitimate team colors.”
- Rebekah Taylor ’01: “Our house is painted white with brown trim.”