
Zoe Beinhorn ’15

Rooted in a Passionate Foundation 
Current position and employer: Director, Sustainability Services, Bright Power Inc.
Degree and Major: B.S. Environmental Engineering
Affinity or Alliance: Lehigh Alumni Sustainability Alliance (LASA)

How did your Lehigh experience inform, help, or influence your life now?
My time at Lehigh provided me with a strong foundation in engineering and sustainability principles, which has been incredibly valuable in my career. My environmental engineering degree helped me develop problem-solving skills and ignited my passion for sustainability in the built environment, which is at the core of my role as director of sustainability services at Bright Power.

What has been the most challenging thing you’ve faced since graduating (personal or professional)?
One of the most challenging aspects of my professional life has been managing large-scale sustainability projects in the complex urban landscape of New York City. Balancing the demands of various certifications and delivering on sustainability goals, all while positively impacting communities and the environment, has been a significant but exciting challenge.

What excites you right now?
My role as director of sustainability services at Bright Power, where I specialize in decarbonization, net zero, and electrification consulting, is incredibly exciting. The opportunity to drive sustainability improvements in New York City and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future is a constant source of motivation for me.

What advice would you give current Lehigh students OR what’s the best advice anyone ever gave you?
Follow your passions and seek opportunities that align with your interests and values. Never stop learning, even outside an academic environment. Stay up to date with industry trends through networking, research, and curiosity. Be the first one to reach out in new situations. The best advice I've received is to always try something new and put yourself in situations or environments that challenge you.

What keeps you connected to Lehigh? 
My friends, involvement in alumni networks such as LASA, attending alumni events, and mentoring students interested in sustainability and engineering. The alumni network has helped me significantly in my career development and has also been a way for me to give back to the Lehigh community.